• Tangspac
  • Payroll Services

Payroll Services

Tangspac can provide centralized payroll services so as to help clients improve efficiency and reduce operating expenses. Such services would help clients manage payroll costs, provide employee benefits and alleviate administrative payroll burdens.

Our solution available for the past 20 years provides payroll outsourcing options which are flexible and convenient for part-time, full-time, and non-traditional employees such as freelancers or sole proprietors.

Tangspac’s solution handles all aspects of payroll administration, including:

  • Assuming responsibilityfor employees’ wages, payroll deductions, statutory benefits and workers’ compensation
  • Pay processing and validation as well as electronic distribution of payslips
  • Verification of employee time-sheets
  • Comprehensive payroll period, month-end and year-end reporting
  • Invoices to meet client requirements both in terms of format and information contained
  • Resolution of payroll queries
  • Expertise to meet legislative, organizational and individual employee requirements